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Масштабирование лояльного сообщества AMD в VK

Заказчик: AMD
Исполнитель: 2L
Масштабирование лояльного сообщества AMD в VK

Главное о кейсе

Due to great content approach, Prometheus VK Award and Paid promo, we achieved 35% fan base growth and 325% reach growth year to year.

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

The aim of the project is to upscale the community of brand advocates to build new and efficient communication channel for the brand - its subscribers.

Прочая информация о кейсе

For the years market was dominated by competitors. We have to change customers attitude, considering that users trust more to peers instead of brands, and that their preferences in CPU had been formed for a decade and could not be changed for a second. The strategic approach was to build loyal community, to grow brand advocates and then upscaling communications by reaching new audience and involving our loyal subscribers into discussions with users from outside-the-community world. We delivered all our messages and competitive advantages through them and as a result have +35% growth in subscribers data base and significant impact on business. We managed several processes to provide consistent development of the community and evaluate p2p interactions both on our page and outside the community, wherever the talk about CPU has started.

• Победитель Народного голосования
Tagline Awards 2018
• Лучшее Social Media Телеком / IT / интернет-компании
Tagline Awards 2018


Social Media → Телеком, IT и интернет-бизнес

Дата запуска

1 ноября 2017 года


Светлана Зимакова, Никита Шульгович, Иван Мазнев, Сона Григорян.


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