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Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

Разработка блога ADN

Заказчик: ADN
Исполнитель: ADN
Разработка блога ADN

Главное о кейсе

The number of articles being read per session doubled. The bounce rate from mobile devices reduced by 8%.

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

Every article in the blog is completed with the self-drawn illustration on the preview. When the number of publications increased, we realized that the page does not look harmonious. Article covers were too mixed and visually crushed the page. That's why we set ourselves two tasks: unify the visual solution for article covers and develop a flexible style for different scenes. We chose the style, being simple in technical execution: lines of the same thickness, simple shapes for human figures and simple colour fill. Then we slightly refreshed the graphics, taking everything best from the most popular pictures: texture, shape, well-understood graphic signs. All goals were achieved.

Прочая информация о кейсе

ADN blog which we have been working since 2015 is an excellent tool for communication with our clients and partners. It tells about our internal and digital-life, containing a big amount of educational materials on different themes: programming, design, management, teamwork, marketing and branding. The blog we also renewed: improved the design, style of illustrations, sorting and search, added reading time and feedback form, where everyone can write the theme on what he wants to read.


• Лучший корпоративный блог агентства
Tagline Awards 2019


«Сапожник с сапогами» → Корпоративный блог

Дата запуска

1 сентября 2019 года




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