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The personal website of the artist Boris Zaborov

Заказчик: Boris Zaborov
Исполнитель: No Logo
The personal website of the artist Boris Zaborov

Главное о кейсе

The website was created for presentation only.

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

We had a challenging task — to represent a talented contemporary artist.

We decided to use the quite colors, background music and complex animation on the website.

Прочая информация о кейсе

Boris Zaborov is a painter, sculptor, graphic artist, scenic and costume designer. He was born october 16, 1935 in Minsk, Belarus. He was graduate of St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Fine Arts, named after Ilya Repin and Moscow State Academic Art Institute, renamed after Vasily Surikov. Since 1981 he living and working in Paris.

We created beauty modern personal website to Boris Zaborov.




Сайты → Промосайт / лендинг

Дата запуска

1 ноября 2017 года

Ориентировочный бюджет

500 000 ₽


Art Director — Nikolay Kochubeev
Producer — Lubov Reshetova
Frontend programmer — Igor Merzlyakov
Backend programmer — Ilya Korablev


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