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Продвижение мирового чемпионата Worldskills Kazan 2019 в социальных сетях

Заказчик: Дирекция спортивных и социальных проектов
Исполнитель: «Без воды»
Продвижение мирового чемпионата Worldskills Kazan 2019 в социальных сетях

Главное о кейсе

Goals are achieved.

Then May, 1 2019 — Now September, 30 2019
Followers: 13 261 — 27 986 +211%
Likes: 134 366 — 295 892 +220%
Comments: 5091 — 12 578 +247%
Posts’ reach: 3 832 601
Profile visits: 271 017

Then May, 1 2019 — Now September, 30 2019
Followers: 6 082 — 13 806 +227%
Likes: 42 245 — 104 078 +246%
Comments: 1 523 — 4 649 +305%
Reposts: 6 981 — 14 569 +209%
Posts’ reach: 5 595 526

Then May, 1 2019 — Now September, 30 2019
Followers: 7 705 — 14 004 +182%
Likes: 19 944 — 38 025 +191%
Comments: 765 — 11 931 +1560%
Reposts: 1626 — 3573 +220%
Profile visits: 99 517
Posts’ reach: 2 833 190

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

To make the record number of people who get to know about Worldskills Kazan 2019.
Increase the number of followers and extend the reach of the official Instagram, VK and Facebook pages to 500 000.

SMM strategy creation: rubrics creation, vizualization of the photo and video content, community management in two languages: Russian and English, contests' mechanics, targeted advertising, work with influencers.

Full coverage of everything that is connected to Worldskills Kazan 2019. Each rubric is a reflection of a part of Worldskills Kazan 2019:
Facts / statistics
History of WorldSkills
Host Country and Host City.
People of WorldSkills Kazan 2019
Competition skills + Application of skills in real life subcategory
Volunteer diary
WorldSkills Kazan 2019 flag relay
Holiday cards
Key news

Interest in WorldSkills Kazan 2019 has been increasing with souvenirs, tickets for the ambassadors' events, Opening and Closing ceremonies' tickets.

Opening Ceremony's Reach: 776 722
Closing Ceremony's Reach: 27 284

Targeted advertising leads to the promotion of useful publications for Competitors and spectators: ticket purchase, event schedule, contests, announcements, relevant information for city guests.
Instagram Ad Coverage: 1 130 805
VK Ad Coverage: 1 152 994
Facebook Ad Coverage: 878 702

City influencers were invited to tell Kazan habitants about the forthcoming event. Then, they visited the Competition site and Opening and Closing Ceremonies.
Form: feed publication.
Timeline: one week before the Competition and during the event.

Прочая информация о кейсе

WORLDSKILLS KAZAN 2019 is the biggest vocational education and skills excellence event in the world. In 2019 it was held in Kazan.

Social media is one of the key instruments for WorldSkills Kazan 2019 promotion and coverage.
Why? People cannot reach the full coverage of the event by TV: there are no TV livestreams.


• Лучшее Social Media для государства
Tagline Awards 2019


Social Media → Ведение страниц и групп
Social Media → Государственные организации

Дата запуска

1 мая 2019 года


Руководитель проекта — Алиса Лисовая
Менеджер по рекламе — Карина Белёнова
Контент-менеджер — Алина Хасанова
Модератор — Дина Климова
Графический дизайнер — Эльвира Надыршина
Моушн-дизайнер — Камиль Гимаев
Фотограф — Алина Нуриахмитова
Видеограф — Семён Воронов
Таргетолог — Рамиль Хусаинов


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