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«Проект 12» — годовой фотопроект для IG бренда «МегаФон»

Заказчик: «МегаФон»
Исполнитель: BlackLight
«Проект 12» — годовой фотопроект для IG бренда «МегаФон»

Главное о кейсе

Results of the project:
- Increasing user loyalty to the brand
- Mass media coverage of the project
- Organic growth of subscribers in the Instagram account

publications in specialized mass media

Creation of the first art project of a similar format for a large brand.

Number of attracted subscribers without a promotion for 5 months of work

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

Objectives of the project:
1. To tell the audience about the new positioning of the MegaFon brand;
2. Increase the activity of the page through interesting content;
3. To create an effective field for communication with users *;
4. Image;

* The platform wasn’t the main for communication with users

Прочая информация о кейсе

Project 12 is the annual photo project for the IG brand of MegaFon.

Objectives of the project:
1. To tell the audience about the new positioning of the MegaFon brand;
2. Increase the activity of the page through interesting content;
3. To create an effective field for communication with users *;
4. Image;

* The platform wasn’t the main for communication with users

The idea consisted in creation of annual photo project with different teams. During the year every month famous photographers and artists create 12 art-photos for an account in different styles.

The brand gave the teams full creative freedom. The start of the project and the design of the first month had been entrusted to the Setters agency.
The former art director of the Gorky Park and Central Department Store Mikhail Gannushkin, the secular photographer Timofey Kolesnikov, the photographers Daniil Velichko and Ilya Rovny, the agency Belong Agency took part in the project in the other months.


• Лучший брендированный канал / спецпроект
Tagline Awards 2018


Кампании / креатив → Брендированный канал / спецпроект
Social Media → Ведение страниц и групп
Social Media → Телеком, IT и интернет-бизнес

Дата запуска

1 сентября 2018 года


Maxim Perlin - managing partner of BlackLight
Maria Zaitseva - creative director
Ksenia Fedina - producer


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