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Продвижение карты NEXT, спецпроект PAYBELT

Заказчик: Альфа-Банк
Исполнитель: BlackLight
Продвижение карты NEXT, спецпроект PAYBELT

Главное о кейсе

Project results:
58 931
Total amounts of likes
(Youtube, Vkontakte.ru, Facebook, Classmates)

Total amounts of comments
(Youtube, Vkontakte.ru, Facebook, Classmates)

4 656 000
Total views
(Youtube, Vkontakte.ru, Facebook, Classmates)

2 130
The total amounts of reposts
(Youtube, Vkontakte.ru, Facebook, Classmates)

30 000
Total amounts of conversions
to the site in 2 days

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

For promotion the youth card NEXT from Alfa-Bank was created a video with a viral potential for an innovative device PAYBELT - a payment tool of a new generation.

Прочая информация о кейсе

For promotion the youth card NEXT from Alfa-Bank was created a video with a viral potential for an innovative device PAYBELT - a payment tool of a new generation. PAYBELT is a belt into which interactive buckle is integrated the chip for contactless payment.

PAYBELT completely changes the idea of contactless payments - no more hands are needed to complete the operation. Contactless payments without contact - this is what the new development of Alfa-Bank insists on.

The video-drawing was released by April 1 - the World Day of Humor, but many customers (even Alfa-Bank employees) believed that such belt really can be ordered.
To maintain the legend of the creation of the belt, we created landing page paybelt.ru. By clicking the "Order" button, users were redirected to the Next card order page on the Alfa-Bank website.

Brief synopsis of the video:

Two developers from the Laboratory of Alfa-Bank created a unique product - a belt with a built-in chip payment for the youth card NEXT. The development should turn the world of contactless payments:, all payment terminals are at the belt level, and hands can be occupied with more important things than holding a bank card.


Комментарий заказчика

Нашей главной задачей в проекте было – привлечь внимание пользователей социальных сетей к продукту и сделать это в шутливой форме накануне 1 апреля – в день старта нашей рекламной кампании.

Мы не ставили целью продажи продукта, хотя и такого эффекта тоже достигли.
• Лучшее Social Media финансовой компании
Tagline Awards 2018


Кампании / креатив → Вирусы / вирусное видео
Social Media → Банки, финансы и страхование

Дата запуска

1 апреля 2018 года


Maxim Perlin creative director,
Phillip Shaklien art-director,
Sofia Zabotina producer,
Alina Izmailova copywriter,
Olga Takoeva copywriter,
Съемочная команда Focus Films:
Игорь Есенин - Видеопроюсер
Артём Голиков - Сценарист
Никита Тамаров – режиссер
Дарья Блановская – оператор

Клиент Альфа-Банк:
Юрий Пепеляев – руководитель направления
Валентин Васин – руководитель social media


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