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Заказчик: RT
Исполнитель: RT

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275,000+ Tweets using #1917LIVE

75,000,000+ Impressions

250,000+ Followers across accounts

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

#1917LIVE created an engaging experience — our audience got a chance to follow and interact with historic figures.

With #1917LIVE our goal was to introduce a new format which can be effectively adapted by schools and universities in history education courses globally. All tweets were accurately sourced through memoirs, diaries, letters, newspapers of that time.

Прочая информация о кейсе

Have you dreamed of time travel? Our Twitter-based digital time machine takes you back 100 years, to relive the Russian Revolution.

We asked ourselves what could be the best new way to teach history in the social media era? How can we engage an audience used to snaps, tweets, developing situations and breaking news? Can we develop new forms of educational storytelling?

So we created an immersive Twitter role-play that reenacts history, in real time, in 140, and 280 characters. #1917LIVE is an experimental project that tells the story of the Russian Revolution through a network of linked Twitter accounts. Dozens of historical characters, from Tsar Nicholas II to Vladimir Lenin are live-tweeting events day-by-day as if Twitter existed a century ago.

With #1917LIVE we attempted to create an alternate reality online, so that our historic role play would make you feel you are actually there. But how do you create an alternate reality on social media? How do you make it look like it is all happening now? And the answer was — video.

VIDEO — Lenin Live-stream
Vladimir Lenin LIVE-streamed on Periscope. To produce the first-ever online LIVE feed from 100 years ago, we build an exact replica of Lenin’s secret hut where the Bolshevik leader hid from the government.

VIDEO — 360˚
We aimed to make our historic role-play as immersive as possible. To support this we filmed a unique 360 VR-series bringing viewers back in time to experience 1917 Russia almost as it was. The eight videos, featuring prominent Russian actors in key roles, place you in the middle of dramatic scenes: experience the trenches of WW1, visit a revolutionary printing house, sneak into Lenin’s hideout apartment or visit Petrograd rail station in a time of chaos.

VIDEO — #LeninTracker
We introduced a week-long LIVE “Lenin Tracker” that followed the Bolshevik leader’s return to Russia in real time.

As revolution peaks in November, the Bolsheviks raid the Russian Telegraph — a fictional media outlet and a flagship #1917LIVE twitter-handle. We captured the raid as if it were CCTV footage from the office.

VIDEO — Breaking
We discovered and surfaced rare archive footage which we tweeted as just-in Breaking News videos.

Our challenge was to identify how experimental storytelling can help young people engage with history. #1917LIVE enjoyed a truly special place with educators, history buffs, professors, teachers, students, post-grads. One of the project’s key objectives is to educate and inspire the audience to learn, while setting new best-in-class Twitter standards by allowing followers interact with the project.

One of the keystone elements to the project was #1917CROWD — a community hashtag under which dozens of people created their own historically authentic ‘avatar’ to engage with the events of 100 years ago. The project benefited from collaboration with creative minds such as best-selling author Paulo Coelho, renowned British historian Helen Rappaport, digital colorist Marina Amaral.

Текущая доступность работы




• Выдающийся социальный проект
Tagline Awards 2018

Дата запуска

1 января 2018 года


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