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5 декабря 2025
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Оскорбительные упаковки для «ОптиКом»

Заказчик: ОптиКом
Исполнитель: :otvetdesign
Оскорбительные упаковки для «ОптиКом»

Главное о кейсе

Привлечение общественного внимания к проблеме не наказуемости домашнего насилия

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

Создание упаковки, активно коммуницирующей с ЦА, а также сбор подписей на change.org

Прочая информация о кейсе

In Russia, 1 woman in 4 has at least once experienced domestic violence.
Although the social policy projects on domestic violence try to move the general public to pity, persuade them not to turn their backs on the victims and not to ignore this major issue, these efforts often don’t seem to strike home with most of the people. The grim statistics and the stories of victims can no longer move them.
To change this, we decided that we have to be rude. We present abusive package.
Violence always starts with psychological abuse and humiliation.
The packages of Optiline goods use the language of an abuser to talk to the buyers. Rude words against a vivid background - they just jump out at you from the packs of paper towels, wet wipes, paper cup and garbage bags.
We’re saying that some victims of domestic violence suffer these or similar verbal abuse for years and that we can prevent really bad things from happening if the abusers are prosecuted for their actions.
The buyers who signed the petition on the website have made a huge contribution to accelerating the enactment of a law.
Domestic violence should be a criminal offence. We made a strong point on this issue.
The company expects to increase the brand’s presence across retail chains and outlets. In addition, it is planning to bring in journalists and use PR communications to give the issue more publicity. The main objective is to increase the overall community awareness and facilitate a change to the legislation.



• Лучший социальный проект
Tagline Awards 2019


Кампании / креатив → Социальные проекты

Дата запуска

10 мая 2019 года


Креативный директор: Владимир Федосеев
Дизайн директор: Арина Юшкевич
Дизайнер: Арина Юшкевич
Арт директор: Анастасия Тебякина
Копирайтер: Артемий Атрушкевич
Аккаунт директор: Александр Бакин


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