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Street-art objects “Braille-art”

Заказчик: «Белая трость»
Исполнитель: Possible
Street-art objects “Braille-art”

Главное о кейсе

– 70 publications around the world;
– $350 000 PR Value;
– 30 000 000 Coverage;
– $0 Media Budget;
– Thousands of stickers combining written text and the Braille alphabet pasted by citizens all over Yekaterinburg;
– Request for Braille-art gallery production from Astrakhan (another Russian city).

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

TA and objectives:
For the blind citizens of Yekaterinburg: show them that visual impairment does not have to stand in the way of social achievement.
For the seeing citizens of Yekaterinburg: make them think about the differences in how the visually impaired perceive the same environment.
For both: create common ground and tools for meaningful interaction between the two groups.

Create common ground for communication through art that combines visual elements with braille to tell the stories of famous blind people and their great contributions to society.
Create a tool for communication easily accessible to both social groups to allow effortless dialogue between strangers by combining written text and braille.

Прочая информация о кейсе

We have created a gallery of unusual street-art objects called “Braille-art” that consists of three objects combining visual symbols and text written in Braille. Each of the objects tells a story about achievements of different blind people successful in their respective fields despite their disability: Mikhail Pozhidaev, who came up with an operating system for the visually impaired after losing his sight, Ray Charles with his 17 Grammies, and Marla Runyan who beat the record for running 5000-metre distance. Text written in Braille on each graffiti tells the readers to believe in themselves and to discover their potential with the help of specialist from NGO “White Cane” – an organization that helps people with disabilities adapt to a life in our society. After citizens first learn about the first ever street art for the blind, they got an opportunity to create Braille-art objects themselves using sticker packs. There were stickers with letters written in Braille and their translations in Cyrillic. This way people who can see could create tags for the blind – they just needed to choose the correct combination of letters and stick them to any surface in the city. Visually impaired people could also decorate the city with their messages and contribute to street art of Yekaterinburg.



• Лучший социальный проект
Tagline Awards 2018
• Лучшая PR-кампания
Tagline Awards 2018


Кампании / креатив → PR-кампания
Кампании / креатив → Социальные проекты

Дата запуска

1 ноября 2017 года


CCO – Vlad Sitnikov
Creative Director – Artem Filimonov
Creative – Mikhail Sinelshchikov
Art Directors – Kirill Klippenshtein, Roman Antonov
Strategic Planner – Maria Vertkina
NGO "White Cane" – Mikhail Voytsekhovsky


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