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Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

Кофе — не наркотик!

Заказчик: Кооператив «Черный»
Исполнитель: Grape
Кофе — не наркотик!

Главное о кейсе

Sales increase by 300%
PR Value – $ 1 million
Media budget – $ 0
180 publications in 10 languages throughout the world
The world’s first online store selling legal products on the DarkNet

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

We knew we needed to reach as many people as possible, beyond the established core audience of coffee fanatics. Without any media spend, we knew we needed a PR-worthy idea. We turned to a channel normally ignored by brands but with a large, relatively engaged audience – Tor – the anonymous network. The approach: break through the stereotype that coffee is a drug with a simple trick: launch the first online coffee store on the dark web. A legal product. Sold through an illegal network.
Our campaign centered on the complete imitation of “black market” products. We managed everything from the vocabulary to time of posting and using video content and music created by active dark web users. We published the first post on a popular news site highly aligned with our target audience about the first online store for a legal product on Tor network, simultaneously launching banners on dark web forums leading users to the shop website. The results were immediate. Users started pouring onto the site from the dark web. Over 300 opinion leaders posted about the new “store” on the dark web on Facebook (1.5 Million people in the first day). By Day 2, Chernyi Cooperative was featured in major Russian and International news sites.

Прочая информация о кейсе

Chernyi Cooperative is a small coffee shop in the centre of Moscow that in addition to standard coffee shop fare, offers monthly subscriptions for its own roasted coffee beans. Chernyi came to us in 2016 with a request to double the amount of coffee subscriptions.


Лучшее Social Media в сфере услуг
Лучшая кампания
Лучшая промоактивация
Лучший интегрированный проект
Tagline Awards 2017
Лучшая PR-кампания
Tagline Awards 2017
Лучший текст
Tagline Awards 2017


Сайты → Промосайт / лендинг
Сайты → Услуги: рестораны, кафе, еда, туризм, отели, медицина, транспорт и пр.
Кампании / креатив → Промоактивации
Кампании / креатив → PR-кампания
Social Media → Услуги: рестораны, кафе, еда, туризм, отели, медицина, транспорт и пр.
Совершенное исполнение (Craft) → Текст
Интегрированные digital-проекты

Дата запуска

1 ноября 2016 года


Creative Director – Vlad Sitnikov
Idea – Maksim Fedorov
Copywriter – Maksim Fedorov
Copywriter – Artyom Trofimov
Art Director&Illustrator – Anton Vodogreev
Illustrator – Stas Vasiliev
Digital producer – Ivan Bormotov
Digital producer – Kirill Nikitin
Film Director – Artur Miroschnichenko


Крупнейший digital-конкурс в Европе
Подавайте работы до 9 апреля (ср)14 500 Р,
с 10 апреля (чт)21 000 Р
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