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5 декабря 2025
Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

Жизнь — это лента событий

Заказчик: Lenta
Исполнитель: Possible
Жизнь — это лента событий

Главное о кейсе

Consumers liked new Lenta TV series; it could take the 5th position in TOP-10 overall liking ranking. TV series are significantly successful: it shows higher recognition, overall liking and brand recall rates.

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

This year, the chain of hypermarkets Lenta celebrates its 25th anniversary. The task of the anniversary campaign was to reflect on the many years of bonding by the brand and its customers.

Life is a string of events, and for 25 years, Lenta hypermarkets have witnessed many events from the lives of their customers. We shot a series of short films that tell touching stories from the everyday lives of different people, united only by some kind of connection with the hypermarket.

For the pilot, three young directors were involved, each of whom filmed one of three stories based on real events.

Прочая информация о кейсе

TV series for Lenta Hypermarkets



• Лучший видеопроект
Tagline Awards 2018


Кампании / креатив → Видеопроект

Дата запуска

6 июня 2018 года


Creative Directors: Oleg Palchinsky, Artem Filimonov
Creative: Lyudmila Kulibaba, Yury Altufiev
Art Directors: Yury Melnikov, Roman Antonov
General Producer: Alexey Nikolaev
Account Director: Agunda Baeva
Account Manager: Maria Petrenko


Крупнейший digital-конкурс в Европе
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