Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

Страна, которую вы не видели

Заказчик: Музей современного искусства «Гараж»
Исполнитель: Grape
Страна, которую вы не видели

Главное о кейсе

50 000 visits of the Triennial
500 000$ PR Value
more than 750 publications in leading Russian and international media

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

At the start of the campaign, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art announced that it was launching its own tourist agency.
A website was created where it was possible to book a tour of any of the 40 cities presented at the Triennial. The cost of one tour was equal to the exhibition ticket cost, and the dates of the trip were the same as the dates of the Triennial. The tourist agency also had its own brand style playing on the idea of travelling around the country. A hashtag #russiaasyouhaveneverseenit was also introduced and became a slogan for the campaign.
On the opening day everyone who had booked a 6-euro tour (the cost of the Triennial ticket) have received notifications about the start of the exhibition — now to see Russia you can simply go to a museum and look at the works by artists from all over the country. The central element of the campaign was the video with Fedor Konyukhov where the well-known traveller encouraged viewers to take a look at the country as they’d never seen before.

Прочая информация о кейсе

For the First Triennial of Russian Contemporary Art in «Garage» museum we have created 360-advertising campaign.
We have decided to present the First Triennial of Russian Contemporary Art not only as an opportunity to discover images and installations, but also as a way to travel around the country and look at it from a new perspective - through the creative lens of contemporary artists from all over the country.



Интегрированная рекламная кампания
Tagline Awards 2017
Лучшая кампания
Лучшая промоактивация
Tagline Awards 2017
Лучший интегрированный проект
Tagline Awards 2017


Кампании / креатив → Интегрированные рекламные кампании (360° digital)
Кампании / креатив → Промоактивации
Интегрированные digital-проекты

Дата запуска

6 марта 2017 года


Creative Director – Екатерина Антипова
Creative – Михаил Синельщиков
Art Director – Алексей Фетисов
Art Director – Антон Водогреев
Art Director – Роман Антонов
Designer – Кирилл Клиппенштейн
Designer – Евгения Осиновская
Account Director – Вадим Стольберг
Account Manager – Наталья Муравьева
Project Manager – Дмитрий Кузнецов
Copywriter – Айрат Халилюллов
Director – Антон Белов
Main Supervisor – Кейт Фаул
Supervisor – Екатерина Иноземцева
Supervisor – Снежана Кръстева
Supervisor – Валентин Дьяконов
Supervisor – Андрей Мизиано
Marketing and Development Director – Дарья Котова
Head of Design and Advertising – Hell Kit
Junior Designer – Никита Михин
Head of PR – Алена Соловьева
PR Manager – Александра Сербина
Coordinator – Ольга Яжгунович
Partners' Coordinator – Нина Андреева
Digital Project Manager – Екатерина Валетова
Website Editor – Никита Нечаев

