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Церемония награждения
5 декабря 2025
Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

See the Future through Our Eyes

Заказчик: Digital Marketing Conference
Исполнитель: Grape
See the Future through Our Eyes

Главное о кейсе

We managed to create the first 360 website with the possibility of VR viewing in the marketing industry in Russia. He also became "Site of the day" by FWA. The site had almost 14 000 views, 80% of which were unique users. The average time on the site is up to 5 minutes. The site has become viral and image-based for DMC, allowing to reflect trends.

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

Digital Marketing Conference is a trendy conference, which demanded a trendy website. Single-screen website is a trend, because longreads are bulky, an old paradigm. There is so much information that it is impossible to spend a lot of time on the website: scrolling is boring! So we`ve made the first VR-website, which you can examine as large as life (in a detailed way) if you have VR-glasses or a cardboard. The main page is both menu and navigation of the whole website.

Прочая информация о кейсе

Every year we run the best digital marketing conference in Russia. Every year we surprise not only with the speakers, but with a promo campaign part of which is a website. This year we`ve made the first in the country VR website, to amaze, impress and sell the tickets.
• Лучшее решение в AR / VR
Tagline Awards 2019


Сайты → Промосайт / лендинг
Сайты → Мероприятия
Mobile, AR, VR, IoT → AR / VR (дополненная / виртуальная реальность)
Совершенное исполнение (Craft) → Лучший дизайн
Совершенное исполнение (Craft) → Интерактивный брендинг
Совершенное исполнение (Craft) → Интерактив / анимация / баннеры

Дата запуска

31 июля 2019 года

Ориентировочный бюджет

4 500 ₽


Creative Director — Vlad Sitnikov
Art Director — Igor Smirnov
Motion Designer — Andrey Geraskin
Head of Digital Production — Sergey Mikhaltsov
Digital Producer — Ksenia Boyarkina
General Producer — Valeria Nyukhalova
IT Director — Dmitry Mikhailov
Developer — Peppers Studio


Крупнейший digital-конкурс в Европе
Подавайте работы до 9 апреля (ср)14 500 Р,
с 10 апреля (чт)21 000 Р
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