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5 декабря 2025
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Арт-объект «Точка невозврата» для Znak.com

Заказчик: Znak.com
Исполнитель: Great
Арт-объект «Точка невозврата» для Znak.com

Главное о кейсе

In total, about 40 million people were involved in the project.
— Media Outreach Media Index: over 35 million people. The most coverage was provided by the news portals such as Meduza.io, The-Village.ru, Mail.ru, Znak.com, Afisha.ru. Live commentary and announcements from the scene were also covered by TV channel Rain and radio stations Moscow Echo, and Silver Rain.
— Social Media Outreach: More Than 5 million people. The most coverage was provided by the social media accounts of public networks: Lentach, Rain, Bumaga and Afisha.
- Materials were liked and shared about 20 000 times, with around 1000 comments on each publication.
Distribution by media type:
Distribution by federal and regional media: federal - 23%, regional - 77%.
Online and offline distribution: Internet - 55%, federal print media - 14%, regional print media - 31%
Distribution by originality of messages: original - 73%, reprints - 27%

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

Yekaterinburg based online newspaper ZNAK.COM has come up with the idea of creating a notable point in their series of publications on the matter: create an event that goes beyond traditional journalism, an event that could attract the attention of the ordinary reader and the professional journalist.
The project “The Point of No Return” was intended to strengthen ZNAK.COM's reputation as a federal media through the comprehension of the key historical event of the 20th century.

Прочая информация о кейсе

In the night between the 16th and 17th of July, 1918, in the basement of a private home in Ekaterinburg, the Bolsheviks shoot Russia’s last tsar, Nicholas II, and his entire family. The murder of the Romanovs becomes the point of no return not only for Russia, but for the entire world.
On the 100 year anniversary, 17 July 2018, next to the site of the killings, the online newspaper ZNAK.com creates the street art project “The Point of No Return.”
An underground crossing. Two walls. Two posters. And one point in between them. The art project puts the viewer between the royal family and the firing squad.
On the ground between the two images is the “point of no return” – a red circle, placed directly in the line of fire, to place the viewer at the center of the most tragic event in Russian history.
On a budget of 0, the project was seen by 40 million people. The article concerning the “Point of No Return” was liked, shared and commented on more than 50 000 times. The project inspired a mass discussion, which showed the attitude towards the murders of the Royal Family is still not decided, even a century later.


Комментарий заказчика

Эта работа — желание напомнить о трагедии конкретных людей и всего народа. Расстрел в подвале Ипатьевского дома, в том числе и убийство совершенно невинных детей и слуг, — стал символом трагедии всей России, большой трагедии ХХ века. Этот расстрел действительно стал точкой невозврата. И нам кажется важным, чтобы человек мог почувствовать эту точку, буквально оказаться на ней, пусть на мгновение
• Лучшая кампания для медиа / СМИ
Tagline Awards 2018


Кампании / креатив → Медиа и СМИ

Дата запуска

17 июля 2018 года


Дмитрий Макаров - креативный директор
Андрей Дансков - креативный директор
Дмитрий Ассиновский - арт-директор
Олег Тверитин - арт-директор
Илья Литницкий - аккаунт директор
Юлия Пивнева - старший аккаунт менеджер
Марина Гинзбург - продюсер


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