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Hello Board Yandex

Заказчик: Яндекс
Исполнитель: makelove
Hello Board Yandex

Главное о кейсе

1750 participants;
254 reposts in social networks;
one garage sold;
discussion of the project in professional communities.

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

To attract attention of the audience that does not seek to work in Yandex, to collect 1000 contacts, and to make noise in the market of JS-developers.
To display your message on the Hello Board, you need to solve a JS task. We created 80 tasks about magical worlds and parallel universes. While you are solving the task, your message is being moderated. If the task is solved correctly, the message appears in the greetings feed directly below the Yandex search bar. To increase the coverage and number of requests, we launched a promotional campaign for the phrase ‘Hello Board Yandex’ in social networks.

Прочая информация о кейсе

Hello board Yandex is a greetings board from Yandex in the style of the best TV shows of the ‘90s. To display your message on the Hello Board, you need to solve a JS task. Prove that you're good at JS and speak out to the whole country.To see the greetings feed, you needed to enter ‘hello board yandex’ in Yandex.


• Лучший брендированный канал / спецпроект
Tagline Awards 2019


Сайты → Промосайт / лендинг
Кампании / креатив → Промоактивации
Кампании / креатив → HR-кампания
Кампании / креатив → Брендированный канал / спецпроект

Дата запуска

6 сентября 2019 года


Kseniya Shapovalova, creative group head
Anastasiya Bashanina, designer group head
Anastasiya Novikova, strategist
Anna Maksimova, senior copywriter


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