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Церемония награждения
5 декабря 2025
Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

Проект «Доступ»

Заказчик: МТС
Исполнитель: Mosaic
Проект «Доступ»

Главное о кейсе

The goal was to ensure the growth of the “useful brand for youth” indicator by 3 points, which would thereby show MTS the TA’s loyalty to the brand. The result is an increase of this indicator by 4 points, given that the “Access” project was the only campaign for young people in the 4th quarter.

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

Every year MTS makes a report in the brand’s health, and in 2018 we noticed the brand was behind other competitors in “useful brand for youth” indicator.
Source: MTS internal brand’s health research conducted by GFK RUS, Q3 2018 year.

The telecommunications market in Russia has developed to such a level when operators don’t have notable functional differences. So, when it comes to working with the youth, the challenge is to constantly tell the TA that MTS understands their interests, not to prove they are better than competitors. Growing relevancy to the younger generations means growing loyalty and sales, in the future.
It was necessary to answer the question: What do the most progressive representatives of generation Z living in the world of unlimited content appreciate? Only those things that are limited (limited collections and collaborations) or simply not available, something you can’t even find online later. According to statistics, Instagram is the number one social network among millennials. In many ways, it’s because of Instastories that are only available for 24 hours. Following the trends, MTS decided to create something unique and limited in its time and access.
The goal was to ensure the growth of the “useful brand for youth” indicator by 3 points, which would thereby show MTS the TA’s loyalty to the brand. The result is an increase of this indicator by 4 points, given that the “Access” project was the only campaign for young people in the 4th quarter.

Прочая информация о кейсе

Music, art and style – these are the 3 main interests of younger people now. This is exactly why the agency invited content makers of the categories mentioned above to collaborate with MTS. Musicians involved in the project “Access” were Cream-Soda, Pasosh, Thomas Mraz, Tommy Cash, Alphavite and Marku, meanwhile, ADED, Oleg Green, Frukta, Zorik Istomin, ADNO, Maksim Shkret and others represented modern artists. Participants were to create any piece of content that would illustrate their art. As a result, 39 creative items were made. As to “Style” category, MTS released a limited collection in collaboration with ÖMANKÖ, an online-magazine about style, with a print that comes into life in AR.
After that it was important to spread the content, so that the TA could notice it, but it stays niche, as well, to raise its value. So, we turned it into posters that called people to find exclusive content by popular musicians and designers in AR. Posters were displayed in the places most relevant to our TA: bus stops, schools, universities and colleges, cinemas and even burgershops. They just needed to scan the poster with a special app called “Access” to see the content in AR. When it came to musicians, the app gave access to an exclusive track by Cream-Soda and a teaser from Thomas Mraz’s music video two weeks prior to the release.
Without a decent promo-campaign online it would’ve been impossible to build reach. So we made it special, too: users could only see participants’ works only in case they catch a targeted banner on niche websites and relevant social media pages. Users couldn’t share the content: everyone got their unique link.
The exhibition at Flacon became the grand finale of the project – all the creators’ works were brought in one place for a day, and everyone could scan it with an “Access” app. It became a big PR-event as well: a number of major lifestyle media outlets, such as The Flow, The Village, Buro 24/7, wrote about it.



• Лучшая AR / VR-кампания
Tagline Awards 2019
• Лучшее приложение для телеком / IT / интернет-компании
Tagline Awards 2019


Mobile, AR, VR, IoT → AR / VR (дополненная / виртуальная реальность)
Mobile, AR, VR, IoT → Телеком, IT и интернет-бизнес
Кампании / креатив → AR / VR-кампания

Дата запуска

1 ноября 2018 года


Арт Директор – Сергей Югов
Креативный директор – Андрей Рыбушкин
Дизайнер – Алексей Шлыков
Диджитал Продюсеры – Воробьев Александр, Виталий Халдай
Технический директор – Андрей Гафаров
Контент-продюсер – Прибылов Игорь
Аккаунт менеджеры – Икрянникова Юлия, Гаджиева Мария, Рыбалова Надежда
Младший проджект-менеджер – Ягубян Ольга


Крупнейший digital-конкурс в Европе
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