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Сайт гостиницы «Ольга»

Заказчик: Гостиница «Ольга»
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Сайт гостиницы «Ольга»

Главное о кейсе

The site has become the main means of communication of the site with regular and potential visitors to the hotel, which demonstrates all the advantages of the hotel compared to other

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

The main objective of the project is to show all the advantages of the hotel.

Прочая информация о кейсе

Olga is the largest tourist complex in the Sheregesh ski resort. The hotel is located right on the slope of Mount Green, has an extensive infrastructure and enjoys unchanged popularity.
The design concept was built on the basis of these advantages, and is designed to most clearly and emotionally present them.

Within the framework of the project, illustrations were developed for the main infrastructure facilities, a video was taken, photographic materials were prepared. The site is being integrated with the Logus HMS reservation system.


• Лучшая иллюстрация
Tagline Awards 2018

Дата запуска

1 ноября 2018 года

Ориентировочный бюджет

2 000 000 ₽


Редько Илья, Котляренко Александра, Елисеева Екатерина, Бенецкая Валерия, Черемушкина Александра, Леонова Евгения, Маков Андрей


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