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Сайт курорта «Имеретинский»

Заказчик: Курорт «Имеретинский»
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Сайт курорта «Имеретинский»

Главное о кейсе

The website is the main platform to get familiar with the resort, and to proceed to the hotel and apartment booking system

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

To develop the convenient website for the resort where all of its advantages and infrastructure are displayed.
The interactive 3d map of the resort has been developed specially for the website to introduce its main facilities to the visitors.

Прочая информация о кейсе

The "Imeretinskiy" resort is the first all-year resort in Russia located in Sochi, remarkable by the quality of the recreation and the occurring events:
-international cultural festivals;
-federal sports events;
-wellness programs.

The "Imeretinskiy" resort is kept to the classical style of the Mediterranean resort towns with light buildings, wide convenient seafront promenade, yacht marina, scenic parks and lakes.
During the website creation we wanted to recapture this carefree atmosphere by using light and bright design elements, vibrant and colourful photos, smooth animation.
Easy and convenient structure of the homepage helps the user to orient themselves within the website and quickly find the needed information.
There are a lot of significant facilities at the resort, and that's why we have created the special section with the interactive map where we have developed the realistic miniatures of the resort facilities using 3D graphics.


• Лучший сайт об услугах
Tagline Awards 2018


Сайты → Услуги: рестораны, кафе, еда, туризм, отели, медицина, транспорт и пр.

Дата запуска

1 сентября 2018 года

Ориентировочный бюджет

2 000 000 ₽


Илья Редько, Александра Котляренко, Екатерина Евренко, Екатерина Елисеева, Валерия Бенецкая, Евгения Леонова


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