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Разработка корпоративного сайта «ЭталонСтрой»

Заказчик: «ЭталонСтрой»
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Разработка корпоративного сайта «ЭталонСтрой»

Главное о кейсе

The website has become one of the main means of communication with partners and customers.
It was important to show the competencies, the experience and the range of the company's activity. We have successfully coped with this task.

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

To show many years of the company's experience and competency in execution of construction and assembly operations on capital construction sites.

Прочая информация о кейсе

The main competencies of "EtalonStroy" company are precision, long-term experience, hard work, as well as implementation of the most recent construction technologies into their work. That is exactly why we have implemented the block structure in every page of the website to depict the company's lines of work


• Лучший корпоративный сайт
Tagline Awards 2018


Сайты → Корпоративный сайт

Дата запуска

31 мая 2018 года

Ориентировочный бюджет

1 200 000 ₽


Илья Редько, Александра Котляренко, Валерия Бенецкая, Екатерина Елисеева, Андрей Маков


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