Размещение рекламы
Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

«Баннер, созданный раздражать» для препарата «Персен»

Заказчик: Sandoz
Исполнитель: OutOfTheBox
«Баннер, созданный раздражать» для препарата «Персен»

Главное о кейсе

We made banners in the standart format, a masthead for YouTube and another one for Wi-Fi in the underground.

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

To create a banner delivering a message «Persen helps fighting with stress».

Прочая информация о кейсе

Persen, bland medicine
Idea and implementation:
What is special about people in stress? It's their irritability. A person in stress can be irritated by mere nothing.
And what can irritate those people in the Internet? Tons of things. Our banners, for example. But if irritation is unavoidable – why not capitalize on it?
So we made an interactive banner that irritates you even more than usual. In this banner we asked women questions about things that irritate them. A lot of questions. A whole lot of annoying questions.
Sooner or later a viewer would lose her temper – and in this moment we would propose her a medicine for irritability and stress.
And those who stayed totally calm while answering our questions we asked again and again until they gave up. Because even the best stress handlers need preventive measures.


Лучший баннер
Tagline Awards 2017

Дата запуска

1 февраля 2017 года


Creative Director: Evgueni Tatarnikov
Senior Copywriter: Vazgen Avanyan
Art Director: Maria Mirzametova
Account Manager: Oksana Ustich


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