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5 декабря 2025
Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

BMW. «Опера без границ»

Заказчик: BMW
Исполнитель: Pichesky
BMW. «Опера без границ»

Главное о кейсе

> 8000 guest,
> 1 000 000 broadcast reach,
> 140 media publications,
> 250 000 000 publication views,
13 special guests (deaf guests).

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

"Opera for all" is a global BMW initiative. It's goal is to bring reticent art of opera to masses through a series of free open-air events. Russian BMW unit decided to participate in it as a part of BMW's long-term relations with Bolshoy Theater (the most famous Russian theater).
BMW came to Pichesky to find the new approach to the event and find solution that will amplify the experience in an out-of-the-box way.

Creative idea:
You need to hear in order to listen to opera. That's why "Opera for all" appeared to be not actually for all. As far as Russia lacks inclusive events, we wanted to make our initiative avaliable for people with hearing disorders.

We chose Subpacks (mostly used by DJ's and sound engineers) that transform music into vibration. They look like flat backpacks and perfectly fit seat backs, so we installed them there. 
Verbal part of opera was made through sign language (as far as russian deaf people have troubles with subtitles). It was performed by Amber Galloway Gallego, who is famous for working with Lana Del Rey, Snoop Dog and others. She is great at showing not just text, but emotions and drama. Her performance was broadcasted on the iPads our guests had.

Our special guest (deaf guests) could feel and understand Opera together with whole city.

Прочая информация о кейсе

Corporate Social Responsibility and use of Music Technology with Innovation.
• Лучший инновационный сервис
Tagline Awards 2018
• Лучшая digital-BTL-кампания
Tagline Awards 2018
• Лучший интегрированный проект
Tagline Awards 2018


Кампании / креатив → Digital-BTL
Интегрированные digital-проекты
Сервисы для digital-индустрии → Массовый сервис

Дата запуска

24 июня 2018 года


Pichesky Agency:
Denis Zaharov - Senior Creator,
Evgeniya Boyanova - Senior Account Manager,
Kristina Akbaeva - Account Head Group.

BMW Russia:
Marina Pereguda - Head of Brand Communications,
Ekaterina Pokidova - Producer,
Philipp Osadchiy - Digital Manager.


Крупнейший digital-конкурс в Европе
Подавайте работы до 9 апреля (ср)14 500 Р,
с 10 апреля (чт)21 000 Р
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