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Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

Продвижение соцсетей пространства ВИНЗАВОД (Воронеж, Россия)

Заказчик: Restorator projects
Исполнитель: «Профилактика»
Продвижение соцсетей пространства ВИНЗАВОД (Воронеж, Россия)

Главное о кейсе

During the first week of SMM we managed to catch a lot of attention to the brand. More than 1 500 guests came to the opening.

First month of SMM stats:
- The number of live and organic instagram followers: 6 500
- VKontakte: 3 500
- Target audience reach: 60 000 of social network users
- Daily views: over 2 500 of users

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

- Develop an advanced account style for an effective promotion of
the project in social networks
- Catch maximum audience attention to the new project a week before the
opening using only the SMM tool
- Gather more than 1 000 guests at the opening

- Full time cross-marketing with partners and guests
- Graphic design. Account and all the posts wrapped up into one style
- Motion-design
- Animated stories and videos
- Interesting content
- Support
- Creativity

Прочая информация о кейсе

Vinzavod is a new urban space created to promote local activities and connect
progressive people inside the city. This is a place where art, music, culture &
dining collide. The main objective of the project is to make the life of youth brighter and develop the creative culture of the city.

Our agency has developed a logo and brand identity, now we are promoting the project in social networks.

By all indications, this is the fastest growing SMM project in


• Победитель Народного голосования
Tagline Awards 2018

Дата запуска

23 августа 2018 года


Vinzavod SMM team:
Project manager: Ksenia Sladkikh
Chief designer: Artyom Medvedev
Designers: Julia Timashova, Natalya Osminkina
Photographer: Artyom Brusenenko
Chief creative officer: Shamsutdinov Kirill
Operation leader: Shamsutdinov Alexey


Крупнейший digital-конкурс в Европе
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