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Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

«АнлимСити» от Билайна

Заказчик: Билайн
Исполнитель: RTA
«АнлимСити» от Билайна

Главное о кейсе

1. Beeline proved as a stylish brand for extraordinary and energetic people, and because of it more-thirds of festival audience got knowledge of the tariff plan ‘Unlim’.
2. Level of NPS after the activation increased by 8%, also customers’ attitude to Beeline became better on 22%.*
3. After visiting UnlimCity 37% of potential users would prefer to use the tariff plan ‘Unlim’ and Beeline. It is based on recruiting interviews.*
4. UnlimCity was the most interesting and frequented location on festivals after main stages (82% of interviewers mentioned this location).*
3. PR&Media Reach 221 985 193.
4. Offline reach — 237 844.
5. CPP offline — 290 rubles.

*Performance Evaluation Research, by Magram Market Research, October 2019.

Бизнес-задача и ее решение


To provide new positioning of brand with the key-accent on the mobile internet of the tariff plan ‘Unlim’ and draw attention to the brand on the highly competitive mobile communication market both in online and offline.


We should offer something new, native and attention getting. Our solution is a gamification phygital-platform.
In this case we developed gamification platform, which connected participants’ actions both in real time (festivals) and in digital (the website). This connection was real because of the overall plot, game mechanics, BTL activities, immersive and sport program, in-game money and prize fund.

Прочая информация о кейсе

UnlimCity — mobile capital of festivals. Here, in super modern city every person can change lifestyle and learn how to use opportunities of unlimited mobile internet to maximum.



• Лучшая digital-BTL-кампания
Tagline Awards 2019


Кампании / креатив → Digital-BTL

Дата запуска

29 июня 2019 года

Ориентировочный бюджет

64 000 000 ₽


From the Journey:
Evgenia Galetka – CEO
Ivan Antonov – Creative Director
Ksenia Kashirskaya – Project Manager
Akhad Achilov – Technical Manager
Anastasia Korneva – Junior Manager
Evgenia Tkalich – Screenwriter
Elena Sitarskaya– Producer
Alexander Gundarev – Director
Igor Burykin – Creative Digital Producer

From the Index:
Alexander Plyushko – Account Director
Polina Lantrat – Account Manager
Mikhail Akulov – Technical Manager

From the R:TA:
Nigina Makhmudova – Client Service Director
Katerina Bakina – Account Manager
Vladimir Dadaev – Creator
Valeria Mayorova – Producer

From Beeline:
Oksana Trofimova – Head of Integrated communications Department, Brand Director
Elena Podgurskaya – Lead Manager for Integrated communications
Semyon Lapshev – Lead Manager for Integrated communications


R:TA: digital-activations, landing-page and creative idea;
Journey: creative idea,organization of events and offline activations;
Index: realization of events and offline activations


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