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Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

Banana Royale

Заказчик: MY.GAMES
Исполнитель: SLAVA
Banana Royale

Главное о кейсе

20k+ social interactions,
x2.5 avg. play time
x2 new players cost decreased
rise of awareness up to 85% in all of Russian games

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

Battle Royale is a genre of online shooters which has become incredibly popular in recent times. Many competitors followed PubG and Fortnite into making Battle Royale formats making the area very cluttered and often discouraging gamers from even trying new Battle Royale releases. The opportunity for us was to communicate that we had listened to the gaming community and made the one & only, perfect Battle Royale.

Creative idea: In the context of a huge number of Battle Royale formats on the gaming market we decided… to announce even more Battle Royale formats. We took it to the extreme and announced ridiculous and hilarious formats, in this way mocking the absurdity of both the large number and low quality of existing Battle' Royales. And invited gaming community to promote them. Each of these games delivered one message - “Time to play a proper Battle Royale by Warface”

Strategy: We took Gamers 12-21, fans of Battle Royale games. The audience does not react well to classical advertising and communication. So we gave them a chance to create relevant and funny content for themselves all in ‘gaming language’ and tone of voice. The content diminished all our competition and brought our own Warface Battle Royale Game into the spotlight.

Describe the execution: Along with the launch of 3 ridiculously stupid games, we created an online generator with hundreds of versions of weird Battle Royale game titles & descriptions which were easily shareable on all popular social networks. The experience of creating weird game titles turned out to be as addictive as playing real games. Each shared post led to the WarFace Battle Royal's landing page where gamers could find out how we listened to their comments and improved the format and download the game.

Прочая информация о кейсе

We wanted to engage the gaming community with something fresh & original to drive trial of new update in Warface - one of the biggest F2F FPS. With a limited budget, we reached out to gamers on a market filled with informational noise from competitors. - Increase the number of active players, - Decrease the cost of attracting players, - Achieve better retention of new players in the game.



• Лучший текст
Tagline Awards 2019


Сайты → Искусство, культура, развлечения
Кампании / креатив
Кампании / креатив → Искусство, культура, развлечения и мероприятия
Кампании / креатив → Промоактивации
Кампании / креатив → Нативная реклама
Совершенное исполнение (Craft)
Совершенное исполнение (Craft) → Текст
Интегрированные digital-проекты

Дата запуска

5 ноября 2018 года




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