Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

Кампания «Стань героем LEGO City»

Заказчик: LEGO
Исполнитель: SLAVA
Кампания «Стань героем LEGO City»

Главное о кейсе

In the report video: https://youtu.be/8FxPGweDm_Q

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

In 2017, we worked on the 
largest LEGO local project focused 
on involving and retaining users. Trying to make local communication holistic & consistent we developed the campaign Big Idea: «Become a Hero of the LEGO CITY». We implemented a cross-media campaign — ensured great product communication coverage via TV placements & other relevant media tools, attracted kids’ attention in digital with a unique gaming experience & partnership with National Geographic, complementing all these activities with a great event – the LEGO roadshow, ensuring
a hands-on contact which is significant in terms of recruitment.

Прочая информация о кейсе

Kids want to be heroes. We gave them this chance! In 2017 to promote the LEGO City product range we launched a unique interactive digital quest which involved children into the Lego City World. It was a complete story with drama, chases, great vehicles and a giant pizza! It contains 170 original illustrations, 67 web-comics pages, 6 different game locations - each fits particular Lego City sets, lots of different mini-games and one super mega secret level. Welcome to “Become a HERO” at https://cityhero.lego.com/



Лучшая иллюстрация
Tagline Awards 2017
Совершенное исполнение (Craft)
Tagline Awards 2017

Дата запуска

28 июля 2017 года


Ксения Макаренко, Моисеев Михаил, Алексей Щепоткин, Рощупкин Антон, Константин Костов, Алексей Сергеев, Виктор Петровичев, Алексей Коноплев, Николай Старостин, Дарья Федорова.

