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Renault Online ShowRoom

Заказчик: Renault
Исполнитель: SLAVA
Renault Online ShowRoom

Главное о кейсе

Integration with number of different data sources and IT systems,
128 dealers connected to the system,
7000+ SKU (cars and accessories) available to purchase,
+40% cars sold (10 months of 2018 vs. previous period) through the Online Showroom. Total orders about 25,000 cars,
Preorder conversion rate to sales +28% vs. other leads at renault.ru,
161 orders — daily record,
5 orders — minute record.

1 282 645 Users visit Renault Showroom with 12.29% Bounce Rate and 2 minutes Avg. Session Duration.

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

Presently, after 10 months of work, Renault Online Showroom has a wide range of functions including:
— Sale of new cars (dealer and central stock),
— Sale of accessories and financial products,
— Promotional and marketing modules,
— Control over data (dealers, transactions, SKU, etc.) in real time,
— Two-sided API to easily integrate with any data source,
— Unit test,
— Complete logging system, high level of data security and Full compliance with the Renault guidelines.

Moreover, in 2018 we add our project to the Renault dealers websites and special-placements in media.

Прочая информация о кейсе

Renault the first brand in the automotive category that launched the fully-featured e-commerce platform. In 2018 the project focuses on integration with internal Renault IT systems, dealer sites, selling accessories and improving user experience to increase conversions to make purchases.

Attention: If you want to buy a car... or just test how our project works press "Посмотреть наличие" under the card of the model of interest at https://www.renault.ru/vehicles/online-showroom.html


• Лучшее использование eCRM
Tagline Awards 2018


Сайты → Ритейл и e-commerce
Сайты → Разработка и интеграция
Сайты → Сайт-сервис
Performance marketing
Performance marketing → Использование eCRM

Дата запуска

1 января 2018 года


Михаил Моисеев, Антон Рощупкин, Юля Лесь, Константин Костов, Алексей Щепоткин, Владимир Пятницкий, Сергей Мирзоев, Сергей Тищенко, Людмила Рыбакова, Виктор Андреков, Александр Смирнов, Дмитрий Косоруков


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