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Go Brick Me

Заказчик: LEGO
Исполнитель: SLAVA / Pro-Vision
Go Brick Me

Главное о кейсе

In June-July, the Go Brick Me set was a key driver of sales growth for the BrickHeadz line, the share of sales in the portfolio line increased to 35%

— 3 waves of project,
— 15+ custom figures were prepared,
— 15 Posts & Stories with Influencers,
— 4 Pieces in the blogosphere,
— 13 Pieces of coverage in media,
— Reach (all media channels) >30mln.
— Unique views >3.2mln.

And we collected all TOP posts in Instagram #gobrickme.

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

— Build new BH ‘Go Brick Me’ set awareness amongst non- LEGO audience,
— Use BRICKHEADZ ‘Go Brick Me’ set as a ‘newsmaker’ for Masterbrand communication to drive LEGO brand coolness & values (imagination, creativity, fun).

For the selected bloggers we made models and construct figures from their photos, made personalized instructions and gift boxes ... and sent these kits to the bloggers!

Прочая информация о кейсе

BRICKHEADZ a new LEGO® set which allows everyone to construct themselves! To support that sets we decided to surprise selected celebrities & influencers by bringing them their doubles together with personal building instructions.


• Лучшая нативная реклама
Tagline Awards 2018
• Лучший спецпроект с блогерами
Tagline Awards 2018

Дата запуска

4 июня 2018 года


LEGO® Russia & SLAVA team:
Павел Герда, Мария Пригодина, Александра Асташева, Юля Лесь, Алексей Щепоткин, Алексей Сергеев, Татьяна Орлова, Михаил Моисеев

Communication with KOL's — Pro-Vision Communications: Любовь Крохмаль, Мария Евтишенкова.


Крупнейший digital-конкурс в Европе
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