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Церемония награждения
5 декабря 2025
Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

«Дано каждому»

Заказчик: Takeda Pharmaceutical
Исполнитель: TWIGA
«Дано каждому»

Главное о кейсе

For one day, for millions of people, stroke rehabilitation became the most important theme in the country.
Even the deputy chairman of the Russian parliament spoke about it.
Russia’s top journalist posted about us on Instagram and collected more than 60 000 likes.
Russia’s largest online sports resource dedicated an article on their front page: “Why you shouldn’t be late for this Match”
And the biggest sports newspaper posted an interview with the heroes of the Project on their front page.
In total: mentions in more than 200 publications
Nevrohelp.info site traffic increased by 50%*
The total coverage of the Project exceeded 30 million people.
Now they know that stroke recovery is given to everyone.

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

Situation. Every one and a half minutes someone has a stroke in Russia. 80% of survivors can’t walk
Problem. No one in Russia knows you can recover after a stroke, if you start rehabilitation.
Goal. To tell this to the whole nation, because any family might face this problem.
Strategy. How do we make people remember this message when it doesn’t concern them right now? Connect with their real passion in life!
Idea. Takeda Pharmaceutical together with Nevrohelp.info made a special project with FC Spartak which is most popular football club in Russia. To pay attention to the problem Spartak has provocatively changed their official slogan (“Not given to everyone”) … to the opposite! Before the most important match against their biggest rival. The match was live to the whole country.

Execution. Petya, a passionate Spartak fan, survived a severe stroke and underwent rehabilitation. For the first time, in front of millions of people, he got up from his wheelchair, took a step and kicked the ball. And everyone saw the message on his t-shirt: “Nevrohelp.info. Given to everyone”.

Прочая информация о кейсе

Each family could experience a stroke problem. Nowadays even young people could get hurt, and anyone can become a patient or a "relative to whom the burden of caring for the sick will lie".

How to convey the message, so that people will remember it forever, although at the moment it cannot touch them? Use what people have a real passion for!
FC Spartak - the most popular football club in the country with millions fans across the country.

In the previous season Spartak became the champion for the first time in 16 years. Millions of people rejoiced that day. The Club's slogan was "Given not to everyone" (like DNA). The project with this name was launched in the spring of 2017 before the match with the most rival opponent - Zenit from St. Petersburg. And it helped emotionally charge the fans and the team before the important games. The message "It's Given to Everyone" flaunted later on the "champion arch", when Spartak was given the Cup, and on the "champion stage" where the gold medals were awarded.

In the autumn of 2017, in the new season, the Club planned one of the main games in Moscow - also against Zenit. Expected about 45k fans at the stadium and millions of people watching the broadcast live.

At the right time, it's unexpected and provocative to change the slogan "Given not to Everyone" to the opposite, removing the particle "not", “Given TO Everyone” in order to draw the maximum attention and convey the message that everyone can recover after a stroke.

A week before the game a three-minute video with the story of Peter Buravtsev, young fan of FC Spartak, who experienced a severe form of stroke three years ago appeared on all web resources of FC Spartak Moscow (total coverage - more than 1.5 million people) . Peter Burovtsev was completely immobilized after the stroke he experienced at the age of 25 years old. Peter and his mother told their story. on how Peter was rooting for FC Spartak, how the disaster happened, how they went through rehabilitation, how friends supported and helped, how Peter was pleased with the long-awaited championship of the Club ("I hardly fell off the stroller") ... And most importantly, the video emotionally announced a certain event, which will happen in the center of the football field right before the match Spartak-Zenit: Peter would get off the wheelchair (after the stroke he was completely immobilized!) And will make a symbolic hit of the ball. To show everyone: to recover after the stroke is possible. And on November 27, 2017 Peter did it. And all 45 thousands of spectators at the stadium and millions people - on live - on the TV channel Match-TV under emotional reportage of commentator saw the inscriptions on the Peter’s T-shirt:
Recover after stroke
Is Given
To Everyone


• Лучшее медиа / СМИ в Social Media
Tagline Awards 2018
• Лучшая PR-кампания
Tagline Awards 2018


Кампании / креатив → PR-кампания
Кампании / креатив → Социальные проекты
Social Media → Медиа и СМИ

Дата запуска

23 ноября 2017 года

Ориентировочный бюджет

2 000 000 ₽


Elagin Michael, Creative director
Alexandra Novozhilova, Senior account manager
Martirosyan Vardan, Producer
Anna Ogandzhanyan, Art-director
Margarita Khurado - Project Lead (Neuro)
Roman Smirnov - RX Digital Manager
Anastasia Makarova PR director


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