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Церемония награждения
5 декабря 2025
Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

Video “Entrepreneured in the head”

Заказчик: Банк «Точка»
Исполнитель: «Восход»
Video “Entrepreneured in the head”

Главное о кейсе

The advertising campaign raised brand knowledge, spontaneous knowledge for 3 times, induced knowledge - by 2 times. The number of customers working in the Bank increased by 160%. Measurements of brand perception showed that the Bank 100% meets the expectations of current customers and is in the top 5 for consideration at the initial selection.

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

How can a small regional Bank reach the Federal level? Show that really knows the problems of customers.
Small business in Russia exists "not because of, but in spite of": a difficult economic situation, bureaucracy, ultra-high competition... to overcome these difficulties, you need to really "hurt" your idea, and this is the slogan of the new campaign "Take the whole head!". This Bank works only with entrepreneurs, no private clients. The audience - owners of micro, small and medium business of 25-35 and 40+.

Прочая информация о кейсе

Doing business is not about lying on the beach or wearing expensive suits. To run a business you must be a little crazy. It’s an everyday rush, explosion, fight, and fire. And we, Tochka Bank, know it, because it’s our life too.

Текущая доступность работы



• Лучшее видео
• Лучшая музыка / саунд-дизайн
Tagline Awards 2018


Совершенное исполнение (Craft) → Лучшее видео
Совершенное исполнение (Craft) → Музыка и саунд-дизайн

Дата запуска

19 апреля 2018 года


Creative Director: Andrey Gubaydullin
Copywriters: Daria Ovechkina, Anton Rozhin
Daddy’s Film Production
Director: Ilya Naischuller


Крупнейший digital-конкурс в Европе
Подавайте работы до 9 апреля (ср)14 500 Р,
с 10 апреля (чт)21 000 Р
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