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Фильм Wi-Fi girl

Заказчик: «Дом.ru»
Исполнитель: Zebra Hero
Фильм Wi-Fi girl

Главное о кейсе

4 mln views

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

Dom.ru is a telecom service provider with the highest speed of Internet connection in Russia according to Speedtest results. We had to come up with a digital campaign to increase brand awareness among the young audience. The idea was to tell the viewers that Dom.ru is a provider with superpowers.

Eight artists created their own Internet superheroes. We asked our audience to choose the best one of them. The polling was won by Provider — a girl who can provide Wi-Fi access in the post-apocalyptic world without Internet. While the film was getting ready for production, Provider got her own life. 10,000 people subscribed to her page with new strip cartoons by Duran, sweepstakes for the audience and sketches dedicated to life without Internet. We used a cartoon story to make our film. On February 8, the film premiered offline in movie theaters and already on February 9, it was available on YouTube.

Прочая информация о кейсе

Dom.ru is a telecom service provider with the highest speed of Internet connection in Russia according to Speedtest results. We had to come up with a digital campaign to increase brand awareness among the young audience. The idea was to tell the viewers that Dom.ru is a provider with superpowers.

Eight artists created their own Internet superheroes. We asked our audience to choose the best one of them. The polling was won by Provider — a girl who can provide Wi-Fi access in the post-apocalyptic world without Internet. While the film was getting ready for production, Provider got her own life. 10,000 people subscribed to her page with new strip cartoons by Duran, sweepstakes for the audience and sketches dedicated to life without Internet. We used a cartoon story to make our film. On February 8, the film premiered offline in movie theaters and already on February 9, it was available on YouTube.

Текущая доступность работы



• Лучший брендированный канал / спецпроект
Tagline Awards 2018


Кампании / креатив → Брендированный канал / спецпроект

Дата запуска

8 февраля 2018 года


Director: Anton Maslov.
Script writers: Sergei Levitan, Artem Tsaregorodtsev, Anton Maslov.
Director of photography: Sergei S. Komarov.
Set Designer: Tanya Kahn.
Composer: Evgeni Taylor and OMURA Music Band.
Creative producers: Artem Tsaregorodtsev, Andrey Paukov.
Producers: Katya Adaricheva, Lena Samoilova.
Executive Producer: Ruben Hayrapetyan.


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