По итогам запуска, квест прошли более 1000 человек, из них 30 прошли на второй этап – этап скайп-интервью, 6 вышли на работу и 4 прошли испытательный срок и в настоящий момент работают в Зефире
Кроме того, мы получили более 750 положительных отзывов по итогам прохождения квеста
Бизнес-задача и ее решение
Поскольку мы проводим на работе большую часть жизни, это время нужно проводить с удовольствием.
Миссия Дерзайнера в том, чтобы помочь компаниям найти того самого идеального сотрудника.
Мы верим в то, что это реально – привлечь именно того самого человека, который не только будет получать массу удовольствия от работы, но и классно впишется в команду)
Для удобства, мы создали систему отбора, которая с помощью коммуникации и вовлечения соискателей помогает максимально выявить их личностные и профессиональные качества.
Каждой команде своего человека!
Прочая информация о кейсе
Since we spend most of our lives at work, this time should be spent with pleasure.
Derziner's mission is to help companies find the perfect employee. We believe that it's real to attract the very person who will not only enjoy their work, but will also fit in well with the team) Each team of his or her own person!
If you look at the current situation on the labor market, you can see a lot of patterns. For example, the manager receives a resume and does not understand what the applicant is. It is important for a manager to know how a person decides on the cases, how fast he works, whether he can communicate, how he reacts to criticism, etc. This is not all there is in the resume, because most often they are made on one template: where he studied, places of work, skills and everything. The usual format of a resume does not say anything about a person's personality.
We came up with a service for selecting employees based on their personal qualities and preferences - PRYANIKI HUMAN SCIENCE. We believe that digital has entered our lives so firmly that communication between the company and the applicant should be based on involvement and communication.
With the help of interactive solutions we show the candidate the company and involve the person: we give him/her to feel the atmosphere and understand how and with whom he/she will work. At the same time, we test our skills/experience with the help of typical cases for specific situations in the company. This gives a complete picture for the applicant, and the company gets an assessment for each candidate.
What is the raisin of the solution? In the "personality + skills + experience" formula, the most important is the personality. We form expectations from the future employee, thus getting the image of the person we need.
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