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5 декабря 2025
Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

Education & Corporate Accelerator Services platform EdCAS

Заказчик: Small & medium business in US
Исполнитель: EdCAS
Education & Corporate Accelerator Services platform EdCAS

Главное о кейсе

Total of 30 contracts signed, with a total of 6000 users, waiting for 40 contracts up to the end 1Q 2020

5 prepaid contracts

25 MVP-testing contracts for 3 months to convert to 1-year paid ones afterward

Preparation for a paid pilot with Megafon

Invitation to MWC 2020 as a B2B startup

Found 3,800 resellers that will sell our solution
in US & Canada

The application on the website was 54.3% with a time of ~6 minutes. 102 responses

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

Millennials (Y) and the I-generation (Z) have a completely different perception of education. Complicated UX/UI

Modern LMS systems have closed API and keep clients inside their ecosystem. Inconvenience to business

The existing analyst is not able to disclose all the information about the results of the course. Lack of advanced analytics


SaaS LMS, based on Microlearning

Focused on UX/UI
Interactive tips based on your results
Card learning methodology
An advanced tool for every HR manager
Flexible platform customization and service integration

Прочая информация о кейсе

EdCAS — Education & Corporate Accelerator Services. It is a platform that includes: personnel training system, personnel analytics system, tender platform and other important elements for the successful work of your company. Scope of application: small business, online schools, non-profit organizations, the private education sector, public education, government agencies, military industry. Designed by UI / UX to the smallest detail allows you to expand the boundaries of training and education. A wide range of integration with other services. We have come a long way in the field of education and have identified a formula that suits everyone.

In fact, it is a SaaS LMS, based on microlearning. UX/UI focused platform, designed for Millennials and Generation Z.

Текущая доступность работы



• Лучший MVP-сайт
Tagline Awards 2019


Сайты → Корпоративный сайт
Сайты → Разработка и интеграция
Сайты → MVP
Сайты → Образование
Сайты → Сайт-сервис
Сайты → B2b-проект
Сайты → Международный проект

Дата запуска

21 декабря 2019 года


Vyacheslav Kalaushin - Founder
Denis Kostikov - Project manager
Yuri Smirnov - Design Executive
Olga Duka - Advisor
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Крупнейший digital-конкурс в Европе
Подавайте работы до 9 апреля (ср)14 500 Р,
с 10 апреля (чт)21 000 Р
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