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Вирусный ролик «Как Касперский звук свиньи придумал»

Заказчик: Kaspersky
Исполнитель: Great
Вирусный ролик «Как Касперский звук свиньи придумал»

Главное о кейсе

We've got a video with a variety of animals, which simultaneously provokes a feeling of laughter and mild nostalgia of the 90s.

The public has welcomed the content with open arms.
- More than 3.5 mil. Views on YouTube.
- 30 000 likes
- 2000 repost views on Facebook
- Top - 1 YouTube Russia
- Top most popular videos of June according to https://vc.ru/p/leaderboard-14
- more than 20 publications in mass media

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

Разработка имиджевого ролика с вирусным потенциалом

Прочая информация о кейсе

Mainly people associate Kaspersky anti-virus with a pig weeking from the speakers when a virus threat is found. Now the programme doesn’t have this sound anymore, however the question “why a pig?” or “what’s the story behind it?” still concerns many of us. Shortly before the company’s 20-year anniversary we’ve decided to answer these questions.

To tell the story about choosing and recording the legendary sound in a funny way. Give an opportunity to bring the sound back!

Strategy and targeting
The aim is to get the information across to the users that «Kaspersky Lab» has been protecting them from cyber threats for 20 years already. We wanted our old users to get some nostalgic feelings by reminding them about the product in a positive way as well as to attract young adults with a pig sound trick which they probably have never even heard about.
The video has natively spread over the Internet. We have posted it in tens of entertaining groups and communities connected with technologies and Internet and it has spread over the Internet within hours due to the viral effect.
We tried to recreate the atmosphere of 1997 with its own style so the viewer would believe at least for a second that it all could actually happen in the year of '97: we've searched for a suitable location, chosen appropriate time clothing, made big hairdos.

We've selected jazzy and vibrant animals to get a wide range of sounds.


• Лучшая вирусная кампания
Tagline Awards 2018


Кампании / креатив → Вирусы / вирусное видео

Дата запуска

1 ноября 2017 года

Ориентировочный бюджет

3 ₽


Баир Раднаев - креативный директор, автор идеи
Андрей Дансков - креативный директор
Любовь Новикова - арт директор
Екатерина Старцева - диджитал директор
Мария Кесельман - старший аккаунт менеджер
Виктор Донюков - аккаунт директор


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