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Церемония награждения
5 декабря 2025
Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

Scan Poster

Заказчик: McDonald's
Исполнитель: Leo Burnett
Scan Poster

Главное о кейсе

- 500 000 bot activations
- over 1 400 000 messages sent by bots
- 3,5 minutes - average time spent

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

This year McDonald’s celebrates 27 years in Russia. When the first McDonald’s opened in Moscow it caused one of the longest lines in city history. Youngers have no idea what this event meant for their parents. To help them feel that experience we asked 27 people who were in that line and created Scan Poster – an interactive poster that let you reveal real stories using FB Messenger chat bots.

Прочая информация о кейсе

This year McDonald’s celebrates 27 years in Russia – a big date which matters to those who know how it started. When the first McDonald’s opened in Moscow it caused one of the longest lines in city history. People who were in that line still remember this moment as one of the first signs of promising changes in Soviet Russia. However, the young generation has no idea what this event meant for their parents.
We decided to make young people travel back and experience the McDonald’s first day. Using the iconic photo of the line we created Scan Poster – an interactive poster that let you reveal real stories using Facebook Messenger chat bots. We found 27 people who were in that line and asked them some questions. So you could hear what people were talking about, see the pictures they took, see the money people used and reveal many stories behind the picture.


Social Media
Лучшее Social Media FMCG-бренда
Лучший брендированный канал / спецпроект
Tagline Awards 2017
Лучший мобильный проект
Лучшее мобильное решение или активация
Лучшее FMCG-приложение
Tagline Awards 2017
Лучшее решение в AR / VR / IoT / DooH
Лучшая промоактивация
Лучший чат-бот
Tagline Awards 2017


Mobile, AR, VR, IoT → Решения и активации для носимых устройств и вещей
Mobile, AR, VR, IoT → AR / VR (дополненная / виртуальная реальность)
Mobile, AR, VR, IoT → FMCG
Кампании / креатив → Промоактивации
Кампании / креатив → Брендированный канал / спецпроект
Social Media → FMCG
AI-технологии и чат-боты

Дата запуска

14 апреля 2017 года


Creative Director: Ilya Pryamilov
Art Director: Dmitry Koshelev
Copywriter: Viktoria Nazarova
Account Director: Victoria Semikasheva
Designer of case studies: Zhenya Evdokimenko
Bot developer: Vladislav Gafarov


Крупнейший digital-конкурс в Европе
Подавайте работы до 9 апреля (ср)14 500 Р,
с 10 апреля (чт)21 000 Р
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