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Крупнейшая digital-премия в Европе

Zolla. Don’t miss Summer

Заказчик: Zolla
Исполнитель: SLAVA
Zolla. Don’t miss Summer

Главное о кейсе

18 000 000 unique users - overall campaign reach 1000 000 clicks - traffic to the site. Cost per view optimized by 30% Cost per click optimized by 23% According to Brand lift - video recognition grew by 78% Search interest to Zolla increased by 346%

Бизнес-задача и ее решение

Summer in Russia was always unpredictable, but the summer of 2017 has beaten all the records of being awful: it was cold, it rained non stop and we even saw some snow. In July. It was pretty bad, especially for fashion brands who have summer collections to sell. Fashion brand Zolla wanted to increase the 2018 sales no matter how bad (or good) the weather will be. That was the brief. We were challenged to come up with a solution that will predict the unpredictable summer weather and make people want to buy Zolla’s clothes in any kind of weather.

We don’t have any power over the weather changes, but we can come up with lots of interesting activities that will make any weather fun. We created the weather-dependent campaign. The campaign that adapted to the changes in weather and showcased the fun summer activities in Zolla clothes. So people won’t have to miss the summer fun even if the weather will be bad.

We listed all kinds of weather and came up with a huge amount of activities you can do in any kind of weather. We photoshoot the activities and transformed them into video banners, pre-rolls, Insta stories etc. All materials were dynamic. When the weather changed the materials changed as well: the current temperature in the city of the user, the state of the weather and a video or banner with the relevant message was used. We used weborama and Adluxe technologies, weather dependent banners in Yandex and weather triggers on youtube, and constantly optimized the output. Each time when the weather changed -the campaign changed. We reimagined the website Zolla.com so that it adapted each time to the weather out the window.

Прочая информация о кейсе

Summer in Russia was always unpredictable, but the summer of 2017 has beaten all the records of being awful: it was cold, it rained non stop and we even saw some snow. In July. It was pretty bad, especially for fashion brands who have summer collections to sell. Fashion brand Zolla wanted to increase the 2018 sales no matter how bad (or good) the weather will be. That was the brief. We were challenged to come up with solution that will predict the unpredictable summer weather and make people want to buy Zolla’s clothes in any kind of weather.


• Лучшая интегрированная рекламная кампания
• Лучшее использование programmatic-технологий
Tagline Awards 2018
• Победитель Народного голосования
Tagline Awards 2018

Дата запуска

21 мая 2018 года


SLAVA and Zolla


Кампании / креатив
Кампании / креатив → Интегрированные рекламные кампании (360° digital)
Кампании / креатив → Использование programmatic-технологий


Крупнейший digital-конкурс в Европе
Подавайте работы до 18 октября (птн)13 500 Р,
с 19 октября (сб)17 000 Р
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